Lost Padre Mine is an adventure following treasure hunter Wayne Braddock, who searches all over the US Southwest and northern Mexico in search for missing Spanish gold. Lost Padre Mine stars Mark Vasconcellos, Stephanie Frias, Cesar Miramontes, and a host of local talent in the southwest region. Lost Padre Mine is an upcoming narrative feature produced out of El Paso and Las Cruces and scheduled for a 2017
For over two centuries the folklore surrounding the mysterious mother lode of gold hidden somewhere in the mountains north of El Paso, Texas, the Lost Padre Mine has enflamed the imaginations of treasure hunters and truth seekers alike. Now Stormfront Entertainment brings the legend to life when a disreputable treasure hunter braves cartel kingpins, governmental cover-ups and opposition from the Catholic Church, in his quest to discover, once and for all, whether the Lost Padre Mine is just a myth, or a very dangerous reality.