2020 Influencer of the Year in Las Cruces


    For many — around the world as in Las Cruces — it feels like the winter of our discontent. Times are hard is the collective catchphrase of our age. Countless lives are being devastated not only physically but also economically. However, despite such times, there are always those key individuals who provide a light in the darkness. Who influence, inspire, and remind us that, now more than ever, generosity and perseverance are what matter most. Marci Dickerson is one of these key individuals.

    A lifelong native of Las Cruces, Marci is the ever-motivated owner of the Dickerson Group (which includes The Game, The Game Extra Innings, Dickerson Event Management, and Dickersons Catering) as well as the revolutionary founder of Revolution 120; a non-profit grassroots charity that is manifesting the Golden Rule (“do unto others as you would have them do unto you”) by helping those Las Cruceans who are the most economically stressed due to Covid.

    Revolution 120, in conjunction with other generous sponsors, Created a program to address the food insecurity caused by the Covid 19 Government mandates, “No one goes hungry in our community,”

    To Date Marci and Revolution 120 have:

    • Donated 55,000 meals to people in need in our community.
    • Given away 20,000 of pounds of beans, rice, green chile, and potatoes to hungry individuals, as well as 100 gallons of milk to Las Casa Women’s shelter.
    • Donated over 10,000 food boxes given to the community.

    The “Keep them warm this winter” program supplied: 300 heaters, 500 blankets, 900 children’s coats to individuals.

    At the beginning of the pandemic when masks were very scarce Marci and Revolution 120 provided over 2000 masks to Memorial Medical Center and La Clinica de Familia

    Secured 9,000 disposable masks for local Police, Fire Department, Las Cruces Public Schools and other health clinics.

    Provided utility and rent assistance for local waitstaff and bartenders, as well as rent assistance checks.

    Beyond just words and numbers, this list has made a clear and significant difference in the lives of so many Las Cruceans in need.